Written & Directed by Graham Sack
Based on the novel by George Saunders
Executive Produced by Jenny 8. Lee
Producers Graham Sack, Sensorium, The New York Times, Penguin Random House, Plympton
Co-Producers Sarah Hughes, Quentin Little, Josh Elkes, Bonnie Kathleen Ryan
The New York Times VR App, February 2017
With Keaton Nigel Cooke, Jake Hart, Sam Lilja, Mark Linn-Baker, April Matthis, Pete Simpson, Robbie Tann
"Really wonderful."
–George Saunders in New York Magazine
It's the eve of the Civil War and President Abraham Lincoln is struggling with not only the fate of the nation he leads, but also the recent loss of his young son Willie. In this immersive narrative VR short, created as a companion piece to George Saunders' novel Lincoln in the Bardo, Lincoln pays a nighttime visit to the haunted cemetery in which his beloved son has just been laid to rest. The viewer is placed in the perspective of one of the ghosts stuck in the "bardo", or purgatory, between life and afterlife. Additional press about the piece can be found in Variety, Entertainment Weekly, and Fast Company.
Directors of Photography Sensorium
VFX The Molecule
Sound Design SilVR
Original Music Luke Allen
Background Actors Frank Bowman, Olivia Gilliatt, Stephen Hill, Zac Jaffee, Robby Lerman, Jon J. Masters, Bonnie Kathleen Ryan, Daphne Skeeter, Susan Stout, John Williams, Lenore Wolf
Photos by Mathew Niederhauser.